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If the data used to train the algorithm are more representative of some groups of people than others, the predictions from the model may also be systematically worse for unrepresented or under-representative groups. That is, the algorithm presumably picked up on certain facial features, such as the distance between the eyes, the shape of the eyebrows and variations in facial skin shades, as ways to detect male and female faces.

However, the facial features that were more representative in the training data were not as diverse and, therefore, less reliable to distinguish between complexions, even leading to a misidentification of darker-skinned females as males. Turner Lee has argued that it is often the lack of diversity among the programmers designing the training sample which can lead to the under-representation of a particular group or specific physical attributes.

Conversely, algorithms with too much data, or an over-representation, can skew the decision toward a particular result. Researchers at Georgetown Law School found that an estimated million American adults are in facial recognition networks used by law enforcement, and that African-Americans were more likely to be singled out primarily because of their over-representation in mug-shot databases.

Understanding the various causes of biases is the first step in the adoption of effective algorithmic hygiene. But, how can operators of algorithms assess whether their results are, indeed, biased? Even when flaws in the training data are corrected, the results may still be problematic because context matters during the bias detection phase. In the former case, systemic bias against protected classes can lead to collective, disparate impacts , which may have a basis for legally cognizable harms, such as the denial of credit, online racial profiling, or massive surveillance.

These problematic outcomes should lead to further discussion and awareness of how algorithms work in the handling of sensitive information, and the trade-offs around fairness and accuracy in the models. While it is intuitively appealing to think that an algorithm can be blind to sensitive attributes, this is not always the case. For example, Amazon made a corporate decision to exclude certain neighborhoods from its same-day Prime delivery system.

Their decision relied upon the following factors: whether a particular zip code had a sufficient number of Prime members, was near a warehouse, and had sufficient people willing to deliver to that zip code. The results, even when unintended, discriminated against racial and ethnic minorities who were not included.

There are also arguments that blinding the algorithm to sensitive attributes can cause algorithmic bias in some situations. Thus, blinding the algorithm from any type of sensitive attribute may not solve bias. While roundtable participants were not in agreement on the use of online proxies in modeling, they largely agreed that operators of algorithms must be more transparent in their handling of sensitive information, especially if the potential proxy could itself be a legal classificatory harm.

When detecting bias, computer programmers normally examine the set of outputs that the algorithm produces to check for anomalous results.

Comparing outcomes for different groups can be a useful first step. This could even be done through simulations. Roundtable participant Rich Caruana from Microsoft suggested that companies consider the simulation of predictions both true and false before applying them to real-life scenarios.

However, the downside of these approaches is that not all unequal outcomes are unfair. This may be unfortunate, but is it fair? One of which is not incarcerating one minority group disproportionately [as a result of an algorithm].

As shown in the debates around the COMPAS algorithm, even error rates are not a simple litmus test for biased algorithms. It is not possible, in general, to have equal error rates between groups for all the different error rates. Thus, some principles need to be established for which error rates should be equalized in which situations in order to be fair. However, distinguishing between how the algorithm works with sensitive information and potential errors can be problematic for operators of algorithms, policymakers, and civil society groups.

At the very least, there was agreement among roundtable participants that algorithms should not perpetuate historical inequities, and that more work needs to be done to address online discrimination. Next, a discussion of trade-offs and ethics is needed. If the goal is to avoid reinforcing inequalities, what, then, should developers and operators of algorithms do to mitigate potential biases?

We argue that developers of algorithms should first look for ways to reduce disparities between groups without sacrificing the overall performance of the model, especially whenever there appears to be a trade-off. A handful of roundtable participants argued that opportunities exist for improving both fairness and accuracy in algorithms.

For programmers, the investigation of apparent bugs in the software may reveal why the model was not maximizing for overall accuracy. The resolution of these bugs can then improve overall accuracy. Data sets, which may be under-representative of certain groups, may need additional training data to improve accuracy in the decision-making and reduce unfair results.

What is fundamentally behind these fairness and accuracy trade-offs should be discussions around ethical frameworks and potential guardrails for machine learning tasks and systems. There are several ongoing and recent international and U. Their principles interpret fairness through the lenses of equal access, inclusive design processes, and equal treatment. Yet, even with these governmental efforts, it is still surprisingly difficult to define and measure fairness.

Fairness is a human, not a mathematical, determination, grounded in shared ethical beliefs. Thus, algorithmic decisions that may have a serious consequence for people will require human involvement. For example, while the training data discrepancies in the COMPAS algorithm can be corrected, human interpretation of fairness still matters. For that reason, while an algorithm such as COMPAS may be a useful tool, it cannot substitute for the decision-making that lies within the discretion of the human arbiter.

In the decision to create and bring algorithms to market, the ethics of likely outcomes must be considered—especially in areas where governments, civil society, or policymakers see potential for harm, and where there is a risk of perpetuating existing biases or making protected groups more vulnerable to existing societal inequalities. We suggest that this question is one among many that the creators and operators of algorithms should consider in the design, execution, and evaluation of algorithms, which are described in the following mitigation proposals.

Our first proposal addresses the updating of U. To develop trust from policymakers, computer programmers, businesses, and other operators of algorithms must abide by U. Historically, nondiscrimination laws and statutes unambiguously define the thresholds and parameters for the disparate treatment of protected classes.

Enacted in , the Equal Credit Opportunity Act stops any creditor from discriminating against any applicant from any type of credit transaction based on protected characteristics.

While these laws do not necessarily mitigate and resolve other implicit or unconscious biases that can be baked into algorithms, companies and other operators should guard against violating these statutory guardrails in the design of algorithms, as well as mitigating their implicit concern to prevent past discrimination from continuing.

We need to find a way to protect those who need it without stifling innovation. Moreover, when creators and operators of algorithms understand that these may be more or less non-negotiable factors, the technical design will be more thoughtful in moving away from models that may trigger and exacerbate explicit discrimination, such as design frames that exclude rather than include certain inputs or are not checked for bias.

Once the idea for an algorithm has been vetted against nondiscrimination laws, we suggest that operators of algorithms develop a bias impact statement, which we offer as a template of questions that can be flexibly applied to guide them through the design, implementation, and monitoring phases. As a self-regulatory practice, the bias impact statement can help probe and avert any potential biases that are baked into or are resultant from the algorithmic decision.

Roundtable participants also suggested the importance of establishing a cross-functional and interdisciplinary team to create and implement the bias impact statement. First, it assumes that after this review, a company will develop a list of potential harms or biases in their self-assessment, with the assistance of more technical outside experts.

Second, if bias appears to have occurred, the AIA pushes for notice to be given to impacted populations and a comment period opened for response. Moreover, our proposed bias impact statement starts with a framework that identifies which automated decisions should be subjected to such scrutiny, operator incentives, and stakeholder engagement. In the case of determining which automated decisions require such vetting, operators of algorithms should start with questions about whether there will be a possible negative or unintended outcome resulting from the algorithm, for whom, and the severity of consequences for members of the affected group if not detected and mitigated.

Reviewing established legal protections around fair housing, employment, credit, criminal justice, and health care should serve as a starting point for determining which decisions need to be viewed with special caution in designing and testing any algorithm used to predict outcomes or make important eligibility decisions about access to a benefit.

This is particularly true considering the legal prescriptions against using data that has a likelihood of disparate impact on a protected class or other established harms.

Thus, we suggest that operators should be constantly questioning the potential legal, social, and economic effects and potential liabilities associated with that choice when determining which decisions should be automated and how to automate them with minimal risks.

Incentives should also drive organizations to proactively address algorithmic bias. Conversely, operators who create and deploy algorithms that generate fairer outcomes should also be recognized by policymakers and consumers who will trust them more for their practices.

When companies exercise effective algorithmic hygiene before, during, and after introducing algorithmic decision-making, they should be rewarded and potentially given a public-facing acknowledgement for best practices. Finally, the last element encapsulated in a bias impact statement should involve the engagement of stakeholders who could help computer programmers in the selection of inputs and outputs of certain automated decisions.

Getting users engaged early and throughout the process will prompt improvements to the algorithms, which ultimately leads to improved user experiences. These three foundational elements for a bias impact statement are reflected in a discrete set of questions that operators should answer during the design phase to filter out potential biases Table 1. Operators of algorithms should also consider the role of diversity within their work teams, training data, and the level of cultural sensitivity within their decision-making processes.

Securities and Exchange Commission. Reddit is a website comprising user-generated content —including photos, videos, links, and text-based posts—and discussions of this content in what is essentially a bulletin board system. As a network of communities, Reddit's core content consists of posts from its users.

The most popular posts from the site's numerous subreddits are visible on the front page to those who browse the site without an account. Front-page rank—for both the general front page and for individual subreddits—is determined by a combination of factors, including the age of the submission, positive "upvoted" to negative "downvoted" feedback ratio, and the total vote-count.

Registering an account with Reddit is free and does not require an email address. Subreddits are overseen by moderators, Reddit users who earn the title by creating a subreddit or being promoted by a current moderator. Reddit also releases transparency reports annually which have information like how many posts have been taken down by moderators and for what reason. It also details information about requests law enforcement agencies have made for information about users or to take down content.

Around million posts were removed by the automated moderator and the rest were taken down manually. Subreddits are user-created areas of interest where discussions on Reddit are organized. There are about , active subreddits among a total of 1. In a interview with Memeburn , Erik Martin, then general manager of Reddit, remarked that their "approach is to give the community moderators or curators as much control as possible so that they can shape and cultivate the type of communities they want".

Reddit Premium formerly Reddit Gold is a premium membership that allows users to view the site ad-free. Reddit Premium unlocks several features not accessible to regular users, such as comment highlighting, exclusive subreddits, and a personalized Snoo known as a "snoovatar".

In addition to gold coins, users can gift silver and platinum coins to other users as rewards for quality content. The avatars were created by independent artists who post work on other subreddits, and who receive a portion of the profits. They use Reddit's Polygon blockchain-powered digital wallet the Vault. On the site, redditors commemorate their "cake day" once a year, on the anniversary of the day their account was created.

In , Reddit developed its own real-time chat software for the site. In , Reddit tested a new feature which allowed users to tip others. Reddit Talk was announced in April as a competitor to Clubhouse.

Reddit Talk lets subreddit moderators start audio meeting rooms that mimick Clubhouse in design. A desktop app is reportedly slated for a late February release. In August , the company introduced a TikTok -like short-form video feature for iOS that lets users rapidly swipe through a feed of short video content.

Reddit was originally written in Common Lisp but was rewritten in Python in December [] for wider access to code libraries and greater development flexibility. The Python web framework that Swartz developed to run the site, web. As of November 10, [update] , Reddit decommissioned its own servers and migrated to Amazon Web Services. In early , Reddit started using jQuery.

In , Reddit released its first mobile web interface for easier reading and navigating the website on touch screen devices. The site has undergone several products and design changes since it originally launched in When it initially launched, there were no comments or subreddits. Comments were added in [57] [] and interest-based groups called 'subreddits' were introduced in In , Reddit enabled embedding, so users could share Reddit content on other sites.

Reddit released its "spoiler tags" feature in January In late , Reddit declared it wanted to be a mobile-first site, launching several changes to its apps for iOS and Android. Reddit launched its redesigned website in , with its first major visual update in a decade. Unregistered users can access it via old. Reddit's logo consists of a time-traveling alien named Snoo and the company name stylized as "reddit". The alien has an oval head, pom-pom ears, and an antenna.

Snoo is genderless, so the logo is moldable. Reddit is a private company based in San Francisco, California. Reddit does not disclose its revenue figures.

As part of its company culture, Reddit operates on a no-negotiation policy for employee salaries. In February , Betabeat published a post that recognized the influx of multinational corporations like Costco , Taco Bell , Subaru , and McDonald's posting branded content on Reddit that was made to appear as if it was original content from legitimate Reddit users.

Reddit's users tend to be more privacy-conscious than on other websites, often using tools like AdBlock and proxies , [] and they dislike "feeling manipulated by brands" but respond well to "content that begs for intelligent viewers and participants. Redditors don't want to advertise for you, they want to talk to you. Reddit announced that they would begin using VigLink to redirect affiliate links in June Since , Reddit has partnered with companies to host sponsored AMAs and other interactive events, [] [] increased advertising offerings, [] and introduced efforts to work with content publishers.

In , Reddit hired Jen Wong as COO, responsible for the company's business strategy and growth, and introduced native mobile ads. The website is known for its open nature and diverse user community that generate its content.

In gaining popularity in terms of unique users per day, Reddit has been a platform to raise publicity for a number of causes. Reddit is known in part for its passionate user base, [93] which has been described as "offbeat, quirky, and anti-establishment". Users have used Reddit as a platform for their charitable and philanthropic efforts. Reddit has been used for a wide variety of political engagement including the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama , [] [] Donald Trump , [] Hillary Clinton , [] and Bernie Sanders.

Reddit has become a popular place for worldwide political discussions. The March for Science originated from a discussion on Reddit over the deletion of all references to climate change from the White House website, about which a user commented that "There needs to be a Scientists' March on Washington".

Reddit users have been engaged in the defense of Internet privacy , net neutrality and Internet anonymity. The site and its users protested the Federal Communications Commission as it prepared to scrap net neutrality rules. He said he and Reddit would continue to advocate for net neutrality. During a post-rally press conference, Reddit co-founder Ohanian asked, "What role did the Internet campaign play in convincing you to hold this rally?

Since May , Reddit has been blocked in Indonesia by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology for hosting content containing nudity. The site was later unblocked. In June , Reddit was blocked in China for a few weeks. The site was unblocked later. ISPs in India were found to be blocking traffic over Reddit for intermittent periods in some regions in On April Fools' Day , Reddit's first massive April Fool's social experiment was to make everyone on site an admin.

For 24 hours, users could ban one another, modify upvotes, delete comments, and votes. Any modifications to Reddit only occurred through the user's perspective.

While many caught on, others began threatening fellow users with their admin privileges and went on mini power trips, demonstrating that great power is not always accompanied by great responsibility. On April Fools' Day , Reddit replaced its Reddit Gold subscription with Reddit Mold, a joke version of the premium service that could be given to users to make the website experience worse. For example, users who were given Mold would only be able to see fewer posts per page as well as not being able to post anything containing the letter E.

These effects were amplified upon receiving more Mold, such as losing the ability to post another letter for each Mold received. On April Fools' Day , Reddit claimed that it had acquired the video game Team Fortress 2 , and initiated a site-wide event where users were randomly assigned into two teams, Orangered and Periwinkle, based on both the colors of the Team Fortress 2 teams as well as the colors of the upvote and downvote buttons. As in Team Fortress 2 , users were randomly given items and cosmetics to use, most importantly weapons to use against users on the opposing team.

For April Fools' Day , Reddit did "headdit", a joke way to navigate and use the website using the webcam. It displayed a button and a second countdown timer.

User accounts created before that day were eligible to participate. A user could only click the button once, or opt not to click it. If a user clicked the button the timer was globally reset to 60 seconds, [] and the user's "flair" an icon next to the user's name changed color.

Colors were assigned based on a gradient from purple to red with purple signifying up to 60 seconds and red as low as 0 seconds. The countdown reached zero several times due to technical problems but eventually expired without further problems on June 5, , after which the subreddit was archived. For April Fools' Day , another experiment was launched involving the "Robin" chat widget. After clicking a titular button, an IRC -like chat window was opened with one other user, and allowed a certain time to pick among three options: "Grow", "Stay" and "Leave".

The subreddit contained a collaborative pixel art canvas, where a user could place a pixel every five minutes the timer was temporarily ten and twenty minutes for a few hours on April 1. Often subreddits would come together as a group to add a graphic from that community to place. While each user received one personal circle, they could join or betray any other user circles.

Clicking the "join" button on another's circle would cause the owner's circle to grow bigger, while the "betray" button would cause the owner's circle to no longer function having "betrayed" the owner's trust.

The experiment ended on April 6, The experiment consisted of a community-driven sequencer that users interacted with by submitting GIFs or text slides to be compiled into a movie. The most upvoted GIF or text slide was locked into the next available scene for every three minutes. At the end, once the entire sequence was filled, it was posted as a full story in an external page.

Users were to identify a machine-generated response from a group of responses to the question "What makes you human? The experiment ended on April 3, The subreddit featured a x pixel collaborative canvas which users could edit the color of a single pixel every five minutes.

Before the event ended, users were only allowed to place white pixels, reverting the canvas back to its original state. Notable participants include former-United States President Barack Obama while campaigning for the election , [] Bill Gates multiple times , [] and Donald Trump also while campaigning. RedditGifts was a program that offers gift exchanges throughout the year.

On 9 June , Reddit announced the shutdown of Reddit Gifts, effective at the conclusion of the Secret Santa exchange; new account registration was disabled when the announcement was issued. The online Reddit community conducts real-world meetups across the globe each summer.

Reddit communities occasionally coordinate Reddit-external projects such as skewing polls on other websites, like the incident when Greenpeace allowed web users to decide the name of a humpback whale it was tracking. Reddit users voted en masse to name the whale "Mr. Splashy Pants", and Reddit administrators encouraged the prank by changing the site logo to a whale during the voting.

In December of that year, Mister Splashy Pants was announced as the winner of the competition. The website generally allows subreddit moderators to make editorial decisions about what content to allow. Those who break the rule are subject to a site-wide ban, which can result in the deletion of their user-generated content.

Following the Boston Marathon bombing in April, Reddit faced criticism after users wrongly identified a number of people as suspects. The cause of death was not immediately known, but authorities said they did not suspect foul play.

In August, private sexual photos from the celebrity photo hack were widely disseminated across the site. On December 18, Reddit took a criticized action of banning a subreddit, "SonyGOP", that was being used to distribute hacked Sony files. After Ellen Pao became CEO, she was initially a target of criticism by users who objected to the deletion of content critical of herself and her husband. On July 2, Reddit began experiencing a series of blackouts as moderators set popular subreddit communities to private, in an event dubbed "AMAgeddon", a portmanteau of AMA "ask me anything" and Armageddon.

This was done in protest of the recent firing of Victoria Taylor, an administrator who helped organize citizen-led interviews with famous people on the popular AMA subreddit. Organizers of the blackout also expressed resentment about the recent severance of the communication between Reddit and the moderators of subreddits.

Before deleting his posts, he stated that Ellen Pao dismissed him with one year of health coverage when he had cancer and did not recover quickly enough.

She also apologized on behalf of the other administrators and noted that problems already existed over the past several years.

In August, Steve Huffman introduced a policy which led to the banning of several offensive and sexual communities. Included in the ban was lolicon , to which Huffman referred as "animated CP [child porn]". In May, Steve Huffman said in an interview at the TNW Conference that, unlike Facebook, which "only knows what [its users are] willing to declare publicly", Reddit knows its users' "dark secrets" [] [] [] at the same time that the website's "values" page was updated in regards to its "privacy" section.

The video reached the top of the website's main feed. In September, a user named "mormondocuments" released thousands of administrative documents belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , an action driven by the ex-Mormon and atheist communities on Reddit. Previously, on April 22, the same user had announced his plans to do so. Church officials commented that the documents did not contain anything confidential. In March, it was revealed that Huffman had hidden Russian troll activity from users.

A Reddit employee restored the forum and its moderators an hour later. During the George Floyd protests in early June, over moderators signed an open letter demanding a policy banning hate speech, a shutdown of racist and sexist subreddits, and more employee support for moderation. On June 29, Reddit updated its content policy and introduced rules aimed at curbing the presence of communities they believed to be "promoting hate", [] and banned approximately 2, subreddits that were found to be in violation of the new guidelines on the same day.

In March, Reddit users discovered that Aimee Challenor , an English politician who had been suspended from two UK political parties, was hired as an administrator for the site. Her first suspension from the Green Party came for retaining her father as her campaign manager after his arrest on child sexual abuse charges.

She was later suspended from the Liberal Democrats after tweets describing pedophilic fantasies were discovered on her partner's Twitter account. Reddit banned a moderator for posting a news article which mentioned Challenor, and some Reddit users alleged that Reddit were removing all mention of Challenor. Huffman attributed user suspensions to over-indexing on anti-harassment measures.

In late August, more than 70 subreddits went private to protest against COVID misinformation on Reddit, as well as Reddit's refusal to delete subreddits undermining the severity of the pandemic.

As of August , Reddit admins haven't addressed this, and the subreddit remains active. Aggregate Reddit user data has been used for scientific research. Data from Reddit can also be used to assess academic publications. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Social news aggregation, web content rating, livestreaming, and discussion platform.

Homepage in June Social media Advertising. Python [notes 3] JavaScript. As search engines have become more prominent, some affiliate marketers have shifted from sending e-mail spam to creating automatically generated web pages that often contain product data feeds provided by merchants.

The goal of such web pages is to manipulate the relevancy or prominence of resources indexed by a search engine, also known as spamdexing. Each page can be targeted to a different niche market through the use of specific keywords, with the result being a skewed form of search engine optimization. Spam is the biggest threat to organic search engines, whose goal is to provide quality search results for keywords or phrases entered by their users.

Google 's PageRank algorithm update "BigDaddy" in February —the final stage of Google's major update "Jagger" that began in mid-summer —specifically targeted spamdexing with great success. This update thus enabled Google to remove a large amount of mostly computer-generated duplicate content from its index. Websites consisting mostly of affiliate links have previously held a negative reputation for underdelivering quality content.

In there were active changes made by Google, where certain websites were labeled as "thin affiliates". To avoid this categorization, affiliate marketer webmasters must create quality content on their websites that distinguishes their work from the work of spammers or banner farms, which only contain links leading to merchant sites.

Although it differs from spyware , adware often uses the same methods and technologies. Merchants initially were uninformed about adware, what impact it had, and how it could damage their brands. Affiliate marketers became aware of the issue much more quickly, especially because they noticed that adware often overwrites tracking cookies, thus resulting in a decline of commissions. Affiliates not employing adware felt that it was stealing commission from them.

Affiliates discussed the issues in Internet forums and began to organize their efforts. They believed that the best way to address the problem was to discourage merchants from advertising via adware. Merchants that were either indifferent to or supportive of adware were exposed by affiliates, thus damaging those merchants' reputations and tarnishing their affiliate marketing efforts. Many affiliates either terminated the use of such merchants or switched to a competitor's affiliate program.

Eventually, affiliate networks were also forced by merchants and affiliates to take a stand and ban certain adware publishers from their network. Affiliates were among the earliest adopters of pay per click advertising when the first pay-per-click search engines emerged during the end of the s.

Later in Google launched its pay per click service, Google AdWords , which is responsible for the widespread use and acceptance of pay per click as an advertising channel. An increasing number of merchants engaged in pay per click advertising, either directly or via a search marketing agency, and realized that this space was already occupied by their affiliates.

Although this situation alone created advertising channel conflicts and debates between advertisers and affiliates, the largest issue concerned affiliates bidding on advertisers names, brands, and trademarks. Some advertisers, however, did and still do embrace this behavior, going so far as to allow, or even encourage, affiliates to bid on any term, including the advertiser's trademarks.

Bloggers and other publishers may not be aware of disclosure guidelines set forth by the FTC. Guidelines affect celebrity endorsements, advertising language, and blogger compensation.

Affiliate marketing currently lacks industry standards for training and certification. There are some training courses and seminars that result in certifications; however, the acceptance of such certifications is mostly due to the reputation of the individual or company issuing the certification. Affiliate marketing is not commonly taught in universities, and only a few college instructors work with Internet marketers to introduce the subject to students majoring in marketing.

Education occurs most often in "real life" by becoming involved and learning the details as time progresses. Although there are several books on the topic, some so-called "how-to" or " silver bullet " books instruct readers to manipulate holes in the Google algorithm , which can quickly become out of date, [38] or suggest strategies no longer endorsed or permitted by advertisers.

Outsourced Program Management companies typically combine formal and informal training, providing much of their training through group collaboration and brainstorming. Such companies also try to send each marketing employee to the industry conference of their choice.

Other training resources used include online forums, weblogs, podcasts , video seminars, and specialty websites. In the state of New York passed a law asserting sales tax jurisdiction over Amazon. New York was aware of Amazon affiliates operating within the state. In Quill Corp. North Dakota , the US Supreme Court ruled that the presence of independent sales representatives may allow a state to require sales tax collections.

New York determined that affiliates are such independent sales representatives. The New York law became known as "Amazon's law" and was quickly emulated by other states. Many voucher code web sites use a click-to-reveal format, which requires the web site user to click to reveal the voucher code.

Support now. Get answers. Exercise your rights. Daily Dose Many think that a supplement contains the same vitamins and minerals as whole foods, so why not just pop a pill? Supplements that impact blood sugar Supplements may cause unwelcome—or dangerous—side effects, especially if they interact with your medications. Chromium A chromium deficiency may lead to high blood sugar levels. Chromium supplements might further damage the kidneys and worsen the disease.

Among people with heart disease being treated with the blood thinner warfarin, those most likely to experience bleeding events have higher levels of vitamin E in their bodies. Other studies have found that St.


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Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.

Affiliate marketing may overlap with other Internet marketing methods, including organic search engine optimization SEOpaid search engine marketing PPC — Pay Per Clicke-mail marketingcontent marketingand display tree. Affiliate marketing is frequently overlooked by advertisers. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers' marketing strategies. The concept of revenue sharing —paying pdf expert 7 reddit free for referred business—predates affiliate marketing and the Internet.

The translation of the ex;ert share principles to mainstream e-commerce happened in Novemberalmost four years after the origination of the World Wide Web. The concept of affiliate marketing on the Internet was experf of, put into practice and patented by William J. Tobin applied for a patent on tracking and affiliate marketing on January 22,and was issued U.

Patent number 6, on Oct 31, Tobin also received Japanese Patent number on Oct 5,and U. Patent number 7, on Mar 17,for affiliate marketing and tracking. CDNow had the idea that music-oriented websites could review or list albums on their pages that their visitors might be interested in purchasing.

These websites could also offer a link that would take visitors directly to CDNow to purchase the albums. The idea for remote purchasing originally arose from conversations with music pef Geffen Records redit the fall of The management at Geffen wanted to sell its artists' CD's directly from its website but did not want geddit implement this capability itself.

Geffen realized that CDNow could link directly from the artist on its website to Geffen's website, bypassing the CDNow home page and going directly to an artist's music page. Pdf expert 7 reddit free visitors clicked on the associate's website to go to Amazon and purchase experh book, the associate received a commission. Amazon was not the first merchant to offer an affiliate program, but its program was the first to become widely known and serve as a model for subsequent programs.

In February mcrae rally 2.0 pc game free, Amazon announced that it expery been granted a patent [16] on components of an affiliate program.

Affiliate marketing has grown quickly взято отсюда its inception. The e-commerce website, viewed as a marketing toy in the early days of the Internet, became an integrated part of the overall business plan and in some cases grew to a bigger business than the existing offline business. Inthe most active sectors for affiliate marketing were the adult gambling, retail industries and file-sharing services.

Also several of the affiliate solution providers expect to see increased interest from business-to-business marketers and advertisers in using affiliate marketing as part of their mix. Websites and services based on Web 2. These platforms allow improved communication between merchants and affiliates. Redcit pdf expert 7 reddit free. Contextual ads allow rxpert with lower levels of web traffic to place affiliate ads on websites.

Forms of new media have also diversified how companies, brands, and ad networks serve reddir to visitors. For instance, YouTube allows video-makers to embed advertisements through Google's affiliate network.

Emerging black sheep are detected and made known to the affiliate marketing community with much greater speed and efficiency. Eighty percent of affiliate programs today use revenue sharing or pay per dree PPS as a compensation method, nineteen percent use cost redfit action CPAexper the remaining programs use other methods such as cost per click CPC or cost per mille CPM, cost per estimated views.

Within more mature markets, less than pff percent of traditional affiliate marketing programs today use cost per click and cost per mille. However, these compensation methods are used heavily in display advertising and paid search. Cost per mille requires only that the publisher make the advertising available on his or her website and display it to the page visitors in pdf expert 7 reddit free to нажмите чтобы перейти a commission.

Pay per click requires one additional step in fres conversion process to generate revenue for the publisher: A visitor must not only be made aware of the advertisement but pdf expert 7 reddit free also click on the advertisement to visit the advertiser's website. Cost per recdit was more узнать больше здесь in the early days of affiliate marketing but has diminished in use over time due to click fraud issues very similar experr the click fraud issues modern search engines are facing today.

Contextual advertising programs are not considered in the statistic pertaining to the diminished use of cost per click, as it is uncertain if freee advertising can be considered affiliate marketing. Rree these models have diminished expret mature e-commerce and online advertising markets they are still prevalent in some more nascent industries.

China is one example where Affiliate Marketing does not overtly resemble the same model in the West. This leaves the greater, and, in pdf expert 7 reddit free of cost per mille, the full risk and loss if the visitor cannot be converted to the advertiser.

The advertiser must convert that visitor first. It is in the best interest of free affiliate to send the most closely targeted traffic to the advertiser as possible to increase the chance of a conversion.

The risk is absorbed by the affiliate who funnels their traffic to the campaign normally a landing page. In the case a conversion is not fired the publisher won't receive any compensation for the traffic. Affiliate marketing is also called "performance marketing", in reference to how sales employees are typically being compensated. Such employees are typically paid a commission for each sale they close, and sometimes are paid performance incentives for exceeding objectives.

The phrase, "Affiliates are an extended gree force for your business", which is often used expeert explain affiliate marketing, is not completely accurate. The primary difference between the two is that affiliate marketers provide little if any influence on a possible prospect in the conversion process once that prospect is directed to the advertiser's website.

The sales team deddit the advertiser, however, does have the control and influence up to the point where the prospect either a signs the contract, or b completes the purchase. Some advertisers pdf expert 7 reddit free pef programs that distribute commission into a hierarchical referral network of sign-ups and sub-partners. In practical terms, publisher "A" signs up to the program with an advertiser and gets rewarded for the agreed activity conducted by a referred visitor.

If publisher "A" attracts publishers "B" and "C" to sign up for pdf expert 7 reddit free same program pdf expert 7 reddit free his sign-up code, all future activities pdr by publishers "B" and "C" will result in additional commission at a lower rate for publisher "A". Two-tier programs exist in the minority of affiliate programs; most are simply one-tier.

Merchants favor affiliate marketing because in most cases it uses a "pay for performance" model, epert that the merchant does pdff incur a marketing expense unless results are accrued excluding any initial setup cost.

Some merchants run their own in-house affiliate programs using dedicated software, while others use third-party intermediaries to track traffic or sales that are referred from affiliates. There are two different types of affiliate management methods used by merchants: standalone software or hosted servicestypically microsoft office 2016 professional 5 user license free download affiliate networks.

Payouts to affiliates or publishers can be made by the networks on behalf of the merchant, by the network, consolidated across all merchants where the publisher has a relationship with and earned commissions or directly by the merchant itself. Pdf expert 7 reddit free affiliate programs aid rdedit affiliates, who use spamming[24] trademark infringementfalse advertisingcookie stuffingtyposquatting[25] and other unethical rree that have given affiliate marketing a negative reputation.

Some merchants are using outsourced affiliate program management OPM companies, which are themselves often run by affiliate managers and network program managers. Affiliate websites are often categorized by merchants advertisers and affiliate networks. There are currently no industry-wide standards for the categorization. The following types of websites are generic, yet are commonly understood and used by affiliate marketers. Affiliate networks that already have several advertisers typically also have a large pool of publishers.

These publishers could be potentially recruited, and there is also an increased chance that publishers in the network apply to the program on their own, without the need for recruitment efforts by the advertiser. Relevant redfit that attract the same target audiences as the advertiser but without competing with it are potential affiliate partners as well. Vendors or existing customers can also become recruits if doing so makes sense and does not violate any laws or regulations such as with pyramid schemes.

Almost any website could be recruited as an affiliate publisher, but high traffic websites are more likely interested in for their sake low-risk cost per mille or medium-risk cost per click deals rather than higher-risk cost per action or revenue share deals.

Since the emergence of affiliate marketing, there has been little control over affiliate activity. Unscrupulous affiliates have used spamfalse advertisingforced clicks to get tracking cookies set on users' computersadwareand other methods to drive traffic to their sponsors.

Although many affiliate pdf expert 7 reddit free frew terms rddit service that contain rules against spamthis marketing method has historically proven to 77 abuse from spammers. In the infancy of affiliate marketing, many Internet users held negative opinions due to the tendency of affiliates to use spam to promote the programs in which they were enrolled.

A browser extension is a plug-in that extends the functionality of a web browser. Most modern web browsers have a whole slew of third-party extensions available for download. In recent redfit, there has been a constant rise in the number of malicious browser extensions flooding the web.

Malicious browser extensions will often appear to be legitimate as they seem смотрите подробнее originate from vendor websites and come with glowing customer reviews. Typically, users are completely unaware this is happening other than their browser performance slowing down. Websites end up paying for fake traffic numbers, and users are unwitting participants in these ad schemes.

As pdf expert 7 reddit free engines have become more prominent, some affiliate marketers have shifted from sending e-mail spam to creating automatically freee web pages that often contain product data feeds provided by merchants.

The goal of such web pages is to manipulate the relevancy or prominence of resources indexed by a search engine, also known as spamdexing. Each page can be targeted to a different ecpert market through the use of specific keywords, with the result being a skewed form of search engine optimization.

Spam is the biggest /39409.txt to organic search engines, whose goal is to provide quality search results for keywords or phrases entered by перейти на страницу users.

Google 's PageRank algorithm update "BigDaddy" in February —the final stage of Google's major update "Jagger" that began in mid-summer —specifically pdf expert 7 reddit free spamdexing with reddih success.

This update thus enabled Google to remove a large amount of mostly computer-generated duplicate content from its index. Websites consisting mostly of affiliate links have previously held a negative reputation for underdelivering quality content.

In there were active changes made by Google, where certain websites were labeled as "thin affiliates". To avoid pdf expert 7 reddit free categorization, affiliate marketer webmasters must create quality pdf expert 7 reddit free on their websites that distinguishes their work from the work of spammers or banner farms, which only contain links leading eexpert merchant sites. Although it differs from spywareadware often uses the same pdf expert 7 reddit free and technologies.

Merchants initially were uninformed about adware, what impact it had, and how it could damage their brands. Affiliate marketers became aware of the issue much more quickly, especially because they noticed that adware often overwrites tracking cookies, thus resulting in a decline of commissions. Affiliates not employing pdf expert 7 reddit free felt that it was stealing commission from them.

Affiliates discussed the issues подробнее на этой странице Internet forums and began to organize their efforts. They believed that the best way to address the problem was to discourage merchants from advertising via adware.

Merchants that were either indifferent to or supportive of adware were exposed by affiliates, thus damaging those merchants' reputations and tarnishing their affiliate marketing efforts. Many affiliates either terminated the use of such merchants or switched to a competitor's affiliate program. Eventually, affiliate networks were also forced by merchants and affiliates to take a stand and ban certain adware publishers from their network.

Affiliates were among the earliest adopters of pay per click advertising when the first pay-per-click search engines emerged during the end of the s. Later in Google launched its pay per click service, Google AdWordswhich is responsible for the widespread use and pdf expert 7 reddit free of 77 per dpf as an advertising channel. An increasing number of merchants windows 10 new version 2019 free in pay pdg click advertising, either directly or via a search marketing agency, and realized that this space was already occupied by their affiliates.

Although this situation alone created advertising channel conflicts and debates between advertisers and affiliates, the largest issue concerned affiliates bidding on advertisers names, brands, and trademarks.

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